Saturday, December 8, 2007

Our Role

ICT must be used in the goal of sustainable development. ICT has become a vital tool in the fight against world poverty. ICT provides developing nations with an unprecedented opportunity to meet vital development goals such as poverty reduction, basic health care, and education, far more effectively than before. Those nations that succeed in harnessing the potential of ICT can look forward to greatly expanding economic growth, dramatically improved human welfare and stronger forms of democratic governance. Citizen can utilize ICT to share pertinent information that may otherwise not be transferable. The blogs created in this course is a great start. Besides my own research, I have learned way more than I expected from my fellow classmates and their blogs. Even when the course is over, students should continue to build on their blogs and add additional information that would be publicly shared with anyone who has access to read it. If everyone played a small role using ICT, the world could look forward to a brighter future.

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